our operations



We comply will all industry and regulatory requirements for operating a mine. We ensure that the health and safety of our people and the environment are not compromised by our operations.

Compliance with all the industry legal requirements is key, if we are to grow our vision as a company. Whilst our country is regarded as a developing nation, our compliance process compares with some of the most sophisticated in the world. This is why we’re constantly gathering information through the annual mining indaba the coal summits with other industry forums that are held each year around the globe. It is our bid to ensure that we advance ourselves technically whilst in the compliance parameters of the highest degree, and keeping them relevant to our local industry.

We take pride in complying with the following:

  • Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act, Act 28 of 2002;
  • National Environmental Management Act, Act 107 of 1998;
  • National Environmental Waste Management Act, 59 of 2008;
  • Passing all the random field inspections undertaken by the Department of Mineral Resources in all our operations; and
  • All other relevant legislative frameworks.